Answer 1: The documentary An Inconvenient Truth begins with the Ex-Vice President Al Gore and his slideshow on the climatology along with the photographs taken from space mission Earthrise and Blue Marble. The presentation is rich with detailed graphics, info graphs, flows chats and visuals. He noted that the photos influenced our perception of the Earth and invoked the modern environmentalism.The documentary largely revolves around the speeches Al Gore delivers in various regions to make people aware of the harmful effects of global warming and how we consciously and unconsciously are playing our roles significantly in promoting global warming in the world. And this is how they were able to convey.
The documentary does not only discuss the solution but it also offers a solution for reducing global warming which can be applied to individuals conveniently. According to Al Gore, since each and every one of us causes global warming in the world in one way or the other, therefore, it is also our responsibility to reduce it. He emphasizes that each and every one of us can cure it by making slight changes in our choice of life from electricity we use to the household items to the cars we use and moreover, how each individual can reverse the global warming effect by bringing controlling our use of products.
Answer 2. Climate variability looks at changes that occur within smaller timeframes, such as a month, a season or a year, and climate change considers changes that occur over a longer period of time, typically over decades or longer. Climate Variability is measured by deviations know as anomalies. These deviations are eg a month, season or year when compared to long term statistics for the same calendar period.Climate Variability is defined as variations in the mean state and other statistics of the climate on all temporal and spatial scales, beyond individual weather events.
Climate change at local and global levels. These can be broadly grouped into environmental, economic and social effects.
There is controversy over how fast the earth is warming up. Some scientists estimate that atmospheric temperatures could rise by 1.4° – 5.8°C in the next 100 years. Others believe that they will rise more slowly. Globally, scientists believe temperatures have already risen by 0.8°C , even more in sensitive polar regions.Whatever the causes and timescale, the effects of global warming are very serious.The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between.The heat is not only melting glaciers and sea ice, it’s also shifting precipitation patterns and setting animals on the move.