What will this program print on the screen? class Parameters { public: int count: HANDLE mutex: HANDLE eventQuit: }: UINT thread (LPVOID pParam) { Parameters ‘p = (parameters’) pParam: HANDLE arr[] = (p rightarrow event Quit p rightarrow mutex): while (true) { if (WaitForMultipleObjects(2, arr, false, INFINITE) == WAIT_ONJECT_0) break: else { p rightarrow count++: printf(“count = %dn”, p rightarrow count): if (p rightarrow count > 10) SetEvent (p rightarrow eventQuit): ReleaseMutex(p rightarrow mutex): } } return 0: } int main (void){ Parameters p: // 2^nd parameter is 0: current thread (i.e., the main()) is not owner of //mutex p. mutex = CreatMutex(NULL, 0, NULL): p. count = 0: //2^nd argument false means it is not-manual-reset event p.eventQuit = CreateEvent (NULL, false, false, NULL): for (int i = 0: i