Modity the posttik rogran post-epp to handle both sebtraction a e Text ormation ./a.eut 410-6 Notes Content ce Policy ss to ample input 12/ sample output Your progran shoald be naned 0 epP and placed in your p directory 1. write progran to fill a two-diseasional array of boolean values by Else if the greatest eoneon divisor iB Bot I. then set .[4,131 to 0- ample Inpats Sample Outputt Method bjectives Course 01010 0 110 1 dule paration mmands Place this progran in your directory and eall it -pp 2· Writo program to solve the Josephus problem, with th. following Sample Inputt wher. n is the numb€r e playerB and &# the count used for every odd 4 52 Sample Output Round 3 winner i Place this program in your direetety and sane it 2-p Whenis a graph a tree? Write a progran that will read from a file Example -u graph.tnt Out pot The graph ia atreet Contents of grap Ext will be sonething like this 100 0100 0100 TO be graded·JWr program must be in your pgm and naned precisely as 3-0pp