Jericho was on a business trip into a downtown hotel and parked his car in an unguarded parking lot under the hotel. The charge for parking was $12.00 per night. Jericho went gift shopping later in the day and put the gifts into the backseat of the car. Upon entering his car the next morning, he discovers that his gifts are gone. Is the hotel liable? Why? Frank & Company delivered 40 boxes of printer cartridges to Andrea, the owner of a warehouse in downtown Los Angeles. Andrea issues a negotiable warehouse receipt “payable to bearer.” Andrea gives the warehouse receipt to a representative of Frank & Company. Frank & Company sells and delivers the receipt to Mark, Inc., a computer supplies company with 70 retail outlets. Who owns the printer cartridges? How can the owner obtain possession of the boxes? Herman and Amanda meet in their junior year of college. Both graduate in May: and in June of the same year, Herman asks Amanda to marry him. Amanda agrees. At that time, Herman presents Amanda with an engagement ring. During the engagement, Amanda renews a relationship with a high school sweetheart, Terrance. Amanda decides she likes Terrance more than Herman. Is Herman entitled to return of the ring? Why? Josiah is 98 years old and employed Fred, a certified caregiver, twelve hours per day for one year. Josiah talks to Fred every day and even emails Fred at night. Fred is paid on an hourly basis by an insurance policy Josiah purchased years ago. Josiah and Fred have become good friends. Josiah makes oral statements heard by others and has written email s to the effect that he wants Fred to have one of his two prized horses when Josiah