Java: Wing Class Lab
Please elp me finish the remaining requirement of the lab, thank you! I will rate the answer!
I have attached the lab requirment and the code I have below:
public class RectangularWing implements AirDensity
private double span;
private double chord;
private double vCruise;
private double vStall;
private double cLiftMax;
private double cLiftCruise;
private int altitudeTO;
private int altitudeCruise;
public RectangularWing(double s, double c,double vC,double vS, double cLmax, double cLcruise, int altTO, int altC)
span = s; chord = c;
vCruise = vC * 1.689;
vStall = vS * 1.689;
cLiftMax = cLmax;
cLiftCruise = cLcruise;
altitudeTO = altTO;
altitudeCruise = altC;
public double q(int mode)
double rho = 0;
double v = 0;
if (mode == TAKEOFF)
rho = AIR_DENSITY[altitudeTO];
v = vStall*1.3;
rho = AIR_DENSITY [altitudeCruise];
v = vCruise;
return 0.5*rho*(v*v);
public static void main(String[] args)
RectangularWing w = new RectangularWing( 30, 4.6, 120, 45,1.4, 0.3, 0,3);
Show transcribed image textBuild and test the Wing class using Java Your class should have the following fields Field NameDescription span chord vCruise vStall cLiftMax cLiftCruise altitudeTO altitudeCruise Cruise altitude index (0-20 Wing span in feet Wing chord in feet Table of standard day, and hot day atmosphere density. In slugs Cruise speed in feet per second (fps). Knots x 1.689 = f Stall speed in fps Maximum lift coefficient. Dimensionless Cruise lift coefficient. Usually found at L/D max in airfoil datasheet. Dimensionless Take off altitude index (0-20 Your class should have the following methods Dynamic Pressure, q Variable Name Description Rho. Density of air at given altitude. Standard or hot da Velocity in fps. Knots x 1.689 fps amic pressure Total Lift (lbs.) Tota!Lift = span * chord * q * CL. Cu is the appropriate lift coefficient. Note that span * chord is wing area Wing Loading (lbs. /square foot) WingLoading = Tota Lift / WingArea