(Solved Homework): Create a c++ program implementing a class that represents “ASCII art” images and operations…

Create a c++ program implementing a class that represents “ASCII art” images and operations on them, respresented as two-dimensional char arrays allocated on the heap (using the new keyword).

Create a new C++ source file named canvas.cpp that implements the Canvas class, so that canvas.cpp and the provided files compile into a program that runs with no failed tests.

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(Solved Homework): Create a c++ program implementing a class that represents “ASCII art” images and operations…
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“simulate” a 2D array by a 1D array of pointers to 1D arrays (see the figure in Canvas.h file).

During development, your program might segfault. Be sure your IDE will tell you if your program ended due to a failed test versus a segfault.

The main.cpp and canvas.h are provided, these files are not to be edited only used to impement canvas.cpp file to allocate the arrays.

Only use basic c++ statements: if/else, for loops, basic arrays, allocate arrays, pointers(using *, or arrow ->), reference and dereference(using ampersand: &) ,keywords: new and delete.

main.cpp file:

#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "canvas.h"

using namespace std;

inline void _test(const char* expression, const char* file, int line)
        cerr << "test(" << expression << ") failed in file " << file;
        cerr << ", line " << line << "." << endl;

#define test(EXPRESSION) ((EXPRESSION) ? (void)0 : _test(#EXPRESSION, __FILE__, __LINE__))

void interactive_mode(char ink, int scale)
        cout << "Enter a string and press Enter ";
        cout << "to see the ASCII art version." << endl;
        while (cin)
                string line;
                getline(cin, line);
                string invalid_chars;
                for (int i = 0; i < line.size(); ++i)
                        if (line[i] < 'A' || line[i] > 'D')
                                invalid_chars += line[i];
                if (invalid_chars.size() > 0)
                        cout << "    String contained invalid chars: ";
                        for (int i = 0; i < invalid_chars.size(); ++i)
                                cout << "'" << invalid_chars[i] << "'";
                                if (i != invalid_chars.size() - 1)
                                        cout << ", ";
                        cout << "." << endl;
                        Canvas C(line);
                        C.replace('#', ink);
                        for (int i = 1; i < scale; ++i)
                        cout << C.to_string();


int main()
        // Interactive mode.
        // Uncomment the "interactive_mode..." line below to 
        // use your Canvas implementation interactively.
        // The first parameter specifies the character used to fill letters.
        // The second parameter specifies how large the canvas is scaled.
        // interactive_mode('@', 2);

        Canvas C1(3, 3);
        test(C1.width() == 3);
        test(C1.height() == 3);
        test(C1.to_string() == string("   n") 
                                    + "   n"
                                    + "   n");

        Canvas C2(4, 6);
        test(C2.width() == 4);
        test(C2.height() == 6);
        test(C2.to_string() == string("    n")
                                    + "    n"
                                    + "    n"
                                    + "    n"
                                    + "    n"
                                    + "    n");

        Canvas C3('A');
        test(C3.width() == 5);
        test(C3.height() == 5);
        test(C3.to_string() == string(" ### n")
                                    + "#   #n"
                                    + "#####n"
                                    + "#   #n"
                                    + "#   #n");

        Canvas C4('B');
        test(C4.width() == 5);
        test(C4.height() == 5);
        test(C4.to_string() == string("#### n")
                                    + "#   #n"
                                    + "#### n"
                                    + "#   #n"
                                    + "#### n");

        Canvas C5('C');
        test(C5.width() == 5);
        test(C5.height() == 5);
        test(C5.to_string() == string(" ####n")
                                    + "#    n"
                                    + "#    n"
                                    + "#    n"
                                    + " ####n");

        Canvas C6('D');
        test(C6.width() == 5);
        test(C6.height() == 5);
        test(C6.to_string() == string("#### n")
                                    + "#   #n"
                                    + "#   #n"
                                    + "#   #n"
                                    + "#### n");

        Canvas C7('E');
        test(C7.width() == 5);
        test(C7.height() == 5);
        test(C7.to_string() == string("     n")
                                    + "     n"
                                    + "     n"
                                    + "     n"
                                    + "     n");

        C4.replace('#', '@');
        test(C4.to_string() == string("@@@@ n")
                                    + "@   @n"
                                    + "@@@@ n"
                                    + "@   @n"
                                    + "@@@@ n");

        C4.replace(' ', '-');
        test(C4.to_string() == string("@@@@-n")
                                    + "@---@n"
                                    + "@@@@-n"
                                    + "@---@n"
                                    + "@@@@-n");

        C4.replace('-', '@');
        test(C4.to_string() == string("@@@@@n")
                                    + "@@@@@n"
                                    + "@@@@@n"
                                    + "@@@@@n"
                                    + "@@@@@n");

        Canvas C8(2, 6);
        C8.replace(' ', 'X');   
        test(C8.to_string() == string("XXn")
                                    + "XXn"
                                    + "XXn"
                                    + "XXn"
                                    + "XXn"
                                    + "XXn");

        Canvas C9('A');
        test(C9.width() == 10); 
        test(C9.height() == 10);        
        test(C9.to_string() == string("  ######  n")
                                    + "  ######  n"
                                    + "##      ##n"
                                    + "##      ##n"
                                    + "##########n"
                                    + "##########n"
                                    + "##      ##n"
                                    + "##      ##n"
                                    + "##      ##n"
                                    + "##      ##n");
        Canvas C10('B');
        test(C10.width() == 10);        
        test(C10.height() == 10);       
        test(C10.to_string() == string("########  n")
                                     + "########  n"
                                     + "##      ##n"
                                     + "##      ##n"
                                     + "########  n"
                                     + "########  n"
                                     + "##      ##n"
                                     + "##      ##n"
                                     + "########  n"
                                     + "########  n");

        Canvas C11(2, 3);
        test(C11.width() == 4); 
        test(C11.height() == 6);        
        test(C11.width() == 8); 
        test(C11.height() == 12);       
        test(C11.width() == 16);        
        test(C11.height() == 24);       

        Canvas C12("A");
        test(C12.width() == 5); 
        test(C12.height() == 5);        
        test(C12.to_string() == string(" ### n")
                                     + "#   #n"
                                     + "#####n"
                                     + "#   #n"
                                     + "#   #n");

        Canvas C13("AB");
        test(C13.width() == 12);        
        test(C13.height() == 5);        
        test(C13.to_string() == string(" ###   #### n")
                                     + "#   #  #   #n"
                                     + "#####  #### n"
                                     + "#   #  #   #n"
                                     + "#   #  #### n");

        Canvas C14("CAB");
        test(C14.width() == 19);        
        test(C14.height() == 5);        
        test(C14.to_string() == string(" ####   ###   #### n")
                                     + "#      #   #  #   #n"
                                     + "#      #####  #### n"
                                     + "#      #   #  #   #n"
                                     + " ####  #   #  #### n");

        Canvas C15("!BAD!");
        test(C15.width() == 33);        
        test(C15.height() == 5);        
        test(C15.to_string() == string("       ####    ###   ####        n")
                                     + "       #   #  #   #  #   #       n"
                                     + "       ####   #####  #   #       n"
                                     + "       #   #  #   #  #   #       n"
                                     + "       ####   #   #  ####        n");

        Canvas C16("DAD CAB");
        test(C16.width() == 47);        
        test(C16.height() == 5);        
        test(C16.to_string() == string("####    ###   ####           ####   ###   #### n")
                                     + "#   #  #   #  #   #         #      #   #  #   #n"
                                     + "#   #  #####  #   #         #      #####  #### n"
                                     + "#   #  #   #  #   #         #      #   #  #   #n"
                                     + "####   #   #  ####           ####  #   #  #### n");

        cout << "Assignment complete." << endl;

canvas.h file:

#ifndef CANVAS_H
#define CANVAS_H

#include <string>

using namespace std;

// In this homework, you'll manipulate ASCII art images
// consisting of a rectangular grid of chararacter pixels. 
class Canvas
                // Allocates a canvas of the given width and height
                // consisting of ' ' chars.
                Canvas(int width, int height);

                // Allocates a canvas with width 5 and height 5 that looks like:
                //  ###       ####        ####     ####
                // #   #      #   #      #         #   #
                // #####  or  ####   or  #      or #   #
                // #   #      #   #      #         #   #
                // #   #      ####        ####     ####
                // depending upon which character ('A', 'B', 'C', or 'D') is 
                // given as a parameter. If some other character is given, 
                // allocates a canvas of ' ' chars with width 5 and height 5.
                Canvas(char x); 

                // Allocates a canvas containing the sequence of characters
                // in the string with 2 columns of space between each pair 
                // of adjacent characters. For instance, Canvas("BADCAB") 
                // should yield:
                // ####    ###   ####    ####   ###   ####  
                // #   #  #   #  #   #  #      #   #  #   #
                // ####   #####  #   #  #      #####  ####
                // #   #  #   #  #   #  #      #   #  #   # 
                // ####   #   #  ####    ####  #   #  #### 
                // Any characters in s not from {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'} should be 
                // replaced with empty 5x5 space, just like previous constructor.
                Canvas(string s);
                // Returns the width of the canvas.
                int width();

                // Returns the height of the canvas.
                int height(); 

                // Returns the entire canvas as a single string, consisting of each row
                // of the canvas, followed by endl.
                string to_string(); 
                // Replaces every instance in the canvas of old_char with new_char.
                // For instance, if old_char is '#' and new char is '@', then: 
                //  ###             @@@
                // #   #           @   @
                // #####  becomes  @@@@@ 
                // #   #           @   @
                // #   #           @   @
                void replace(char old_char, char new_char);

                // Returns a new canvas twice the width and height, where each pixel 
                // in the old canvas corresponds to a 2x2 region of pixels in the new canvas. 
                // For instance:
                //  ###              ######
                // #   #             ######
                // #####  becomes  ##      ##
                // #   #           ##      ##
                // #   #           ##########
                //                 ##########
                //                 ##      ##
                //                 ##      ##
                //                 ##      ##
                //                 ##      ##
                void embiggen();
                // Destructor. Deallocates all of the memory allocated by the canvas.

                // A canvas is represented as a 2D char array, i.e. 
                // an array of pointers to char (sub)arrays.
                // Each subarray corresponds to a column of the image.
                char** C;
                int _width;
                int _height;


Expert Answer


#include <string>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <iostream>

#include “canvas.h”

void Canvas :: Canvas(int width, int height)


char *temp;

temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * width);

C = (char **)malloc(sizeof(temp)*height);


void Canvas :: Canvas(char x)


char *temp;

int i;

temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 5);

C = (char **)malloc(sizeof(temp)*5);

width = 5;

height = 5;

string s1,s2,s3,s4,s5;



s1+ = ” ### “;

s2+ = ” # # “;

s3+ = “#####”;

s4+ = ” # # “;

s5+ = ” # # “;


else if(x==’B’)


s1+ = “#### “;

s2+ = “# #”;

s3+ = “#####”;

s4+ = “# #”;

s5+ = “#### “;


else if(x==’C’)


s1+ = ” ####”;

s2+ = “# “;

s3+ = ” “;

s4+ = “# “;

s5+ = ” ####”;


else if(x==’D’)


s1+ = “#### “;

s2+ = “# #”;

s3+ = “# #”;

s4+ = “# #”;

s5+ = “#### “;



C[0][i] = s1[i];


C[1][i] = s2[i];


C[2][i] = s3[i];


C[3][i] = s4[i];


C[4][i] = s5[i];


void Canvas :: Canvas(string S)


int len = S.length();

char *temp;

int j =0;

temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) *5*len);

C = (char **)malloc(sizeof(temp)*5);

string s1,s2,s3,s4,s5;

width = 5*len;

height = 5;

for(int i=0;i<len;i++,j=j+5)


char x = S[i];



s1+ = ” ### “;

s2+ = ” # # “;

s3+ = “#####”;

s4+ = ” # # “;

s5+ = ” # # “;


else if(x==’B’)


s1+ = “#### “;

s2+ = “# #”;

s3+ = “#####”;

s4+ = “# #”;

s5+ = “#### “;


else if(x==’C’)


s1+ = ” ####”;

s2+ = “# “;

s3+ = ” “;

s4+ = “# “;

s5+ = ” ####”;


else if(x==’D’)


s1+ = “#### “;

s2+ = “# #”;

s3+ = “# #”;

s4+ = “# #”;

s5+ = “#### “;




s1+ = ” “;

s2+ = ” “;

s3+ = ” “;

s4+ = ” “;

s5+ = ” “;




C[0][j] = s1[j];


C[1][j] = s2[j];


C[2][j] = s3[j];


C[3][j] = s4[j];


C[4][j] = s5[j];


int Canvas:: width()


return width;


int Canvas:: height()


return height;


string Canvas::to_string()


int row = 0,col;

string ans;



col = 0;



if(C[row+3][col+1] == ‘#’)

ans += ‘A’;

else if(C[row+2][col+2] == ‘#’)

ans += ‘B’;

else if(C[row+2][col] == ‘#’)

ans+= ‘D’;


ans += ‘C’;

col = col + 5;


ans += ‘n’;

row = row + 5;


return ans;


void Canvas :: replace(char old_char, char new_char)


int i,j;





if(C[i][j] == old_char)

C[i][j] = new_char;




Canvas :: ~Canvas()


int i;



width = 0;

height = 0;


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