Case Study – Australian Tax
Anna is an engineer who was born in Malaysia and has retained her Malaysian citizenship. She is sent to Australia to work on a project to assist with the establishment of a branch office. Anna arrives in Australia on 1 March 2012 and works for 2 months, departing Australia on 30 April 2012. During this period she continued to receive her normal salary which was the equivalent of A$15,000 a month from her employer. The salary was paid into her Malaysian Bank account. During the full year ended 30 June 2012 she earned A$180,000 from her employment.
While Anna was in Australia she decided to buy (jointly with her father) an investment property in Perth, Western Australia. The property was purchased on 1 April 2012 and rented out at A$2,500 a month from that date. During the period 1 April 2012 to 30 June 2012 rental of A$7,500 was paid by the tenants of the property.
Having regard to the above facts (and any stated assumptions that you make) advise Anna what, if any, Australian tax she will have to pay for the year ended 30 June 2012.
Note: Any potential impact of the Malaysia/Australia International Tax Agreement can be ignored.