Answer: It is a well established fact that learning and training has a direct impact on the attitudes and behaviours of the employees. The productivity and performance are a result of the attitudes and behaviours which the people show at the workplace. Hence learning and training helps the companies to develop positive and desirable traits in the employees and enhance their performance. The environment of training and learning inside the organization motivates the people to acquire new skills and competencies. Therefore if the training and learning environment inside a company is strong then it will ultimately impact the productivity outcomes in a positive way.
For enhancing the employee impressions during orientation and initial training, the companies need to make it interesting for the employees. Instead of including long and boring elements, the company needs to use short, interesting and innovative ways for introducing the company and its procedures to the new employees. The complexities present in the training materials should be reduced and they should be made attractive in order to grab the attention of the new employees. Long class room lectures should be replaced with practical tactics like site visits and on the job training.