I am paraphrasing your question and embedding my answers to add clarity and to the whole discussion.
As the course manager continues to improve this course, your feedback is needed [PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS SEPARATE FROM THE END-OF-COURSE EVALUATION].
Reviewing the following intended outcomes for this course, please comment on how well this course has equipped you to:
1) Analyze business propositions for examples of fact and inference, inductive and deductive reasoning, and emotional appeal;
The course helped us to understand
a) the difference between facts and inferences (derived from the facts) at many places such as {insert page numbers/sections from the course where a set of numbers, graphs etc are explained and the possible conclusions are explained}
b) inductive and deductive reasoning {insert page numbers/sections from the course where a regular phenomenon/general behavior/pattern was mentioned and a specific outcome/expectation was predicted or a specific instance/event was explained and then generalized to a larger group, geography}
c) emotional appeal {insert page numbers/sections from the course where the course tries to spice up the emotions, passion, empathy aspects to retain the audience’s attention rather than facts/inferences/reasoning as mentioned in points a and b}
2) Construct an argument that defends a business claim with appropriate supporting data and logical consistency;
The course helped us to propose and formulate an argument by starting with basic assumptions, supported by facts and coherent logic to eliminate improbable business claims/outcomes and thus converge towards a logical solution/proposition
3) Trace the development of an argument from proposition to conclusion;
<same answer as above>
4) Recognize what assumptions are and how assumptions may be used to benefit or hinder critical thinking;
Assumptions are like marking boundary lines to the number of possibilities of situation. In other words it creates a framework within which the possible causes and solutions are brainstormed. They are beneficial as they help to reach a logically correct set of action items with high probability of success. The course provides us many instances of formulating such assumptions. It even cited the perils of wrong assumption as it may lead to a totally wrong inference/solution and thus can serve as double edged sword.
5) Compare and contrast attitudes or values as expressed by writers with differing perspectives;
The course very aptly explains and respectfully differentiates between the views expressed by various authors owing their origin to different geography, culture, attitudes etc.
6) Apply the principles of critical thinking to writing, with and without cited reference sources;
The course emphasizes on the importance of critical thinking
Explicitly such as {cite some examples from the book/course where the author uses continuous logical statement to prove a point} and
Implicitly {cite some examples from the book/course where the author uses subtle obvious logic/commonly accepted}
7) Evaluate the reliability of source materials;
The course clearly mentioned the sources of the data, detailed profiles and publications of the authors adding credibility to the whole book/course
8) Work with others to produce a team-written document.
The course has enlightened us on the enormous diversity of views, exhaustiveness of the points, different ways to explain an idea/problem/solution that can be achieved when worked as a team rather than individuals.